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Best Approach To Maximize Networking Technologies In The Work PlaceMay 30, 2017

RMM Technology in Workplace

For companies of all sizes from small family businesses and startups to major enterprise businesses and global corporations, technology is changing the way daily business is conducted. This is both an evolution and a revolution, opening up the potential for greater automation, increased security as well as lower cost for companies.

Companies that can embrace these changes and maximize the use of technology can streamline the business, saving costs while also utilizing the latest in software to help them to be more efficient.

The Role of Technology

How the workplace is changing is driven both by increased consumer use of technology as well as the need for a business to be able to keep up with the competition. A simple example of this is the ability to use a wide variety of endpoints as POS (Point of Sale) terminals. Today, consumers expect to be able to tap, wave or swipe to pay rather than using cash or check. Using this technology provides additional security and mobile device management requirements for business to keep data safe and secure.

While security on endpoints is a crucial factor, there is also the need for network monitoring across the complete system. Working from home or telecommuting, the need to transmit increasingly sensitive data through applications and cloud-based infrastructure all create security concerns for businesses. Having the technology is one thing, but being able to keep it secure and away from hackers is another layer of concern.

Technologies such as RMM software (remote monitoring and management) have contributed to the constant evolution of security and performance management. These technologies can be used to free up businesses through automation of specific IT tasks as well as the ongoing monitoring of a network. To see how each of these options will continue to impact the workplace and how to best maximize these tools, businesses should work with an MSP to see how they can integrate into their existing business and technology model.

Providing Updates and Patch Management

For a business, the weakest links in the security with regards to hacking and data security are the endpoints. These may be devices that are owned and managed by the business, or they may be devices that employees bring in to work but own themselves.

It's estimated that by 2017 about three-quarters of all remote access to business emails, data or applications will be from remote devices that are owned by employees. This encompasses everything from smartphones to tablets as well as laptops and other internet connected devices.

The risk to a business is the security on each of these devices. Are the operating systems fully updated? Are security patches installed in a timely fashion and are known vulnerabilities with apps and access on the device protected?

With the use of network managed services, a full range of mobile device management tools can be put in place. Top remote monitoring and management services can monitor the system and provide real-time information on the status of the devices, the GPS location of connected devices and even ensure that all operating system updates and patches are installed when the device connects to the network but before data is transmitted.

The benefits of this type of tool are obvious in the future use of technology. The good news is that many MSPs (Managed Service Providers) access these tools for free from their provider, resulting in a very low package price for businesses to ensure full network security.

Customized Automated IT Services

While some businesses may just require a standard remote monitoring and management tool, others may require custom automation functions. With top remote monitoring technology, it is possible to create custom scripts to automate just what is needed.

For example, a company may want to choose an MSP that can custom test patches or updates before deploying across the full network. This additional custom service will prevent problems with integration after the change in the system. This not only limits downtime, but it also increases performance as any possible issues are addressed proactively and corrected before the patch is automatically deployed and installed on devices.

Automation also includes having all corporate compliance requirements entirely controlled through the IT management service. Setting up rules or requirements by groups, departments or even office locations and then using server logs to monitor access and attempted access through the system provides a higher level of website security without requiring the IT department to manually check each login or login attempt.

Managing the Cloud

As companies of all sizes utilize the cloud, the need for a cloud management platform that is secure, effective and low-cost will be a priority. The biggest selling feature of the cloud-based technology is efficiency and performance, with the need for the overall network system to be able to highlight these attributes and not minimize them starts with keeping track of overall system health.

Automation of basic an advanced network IT services and cloud management services can be provided to any business through a third-party MSP. With the correct remote monitoring and management tools, these providers can position your company to capitalize on the trends in technology that are moving business into the future.

Remote Monitoring and Management

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